On defining signatures for the retrieval and the classification of graphical drop caps

2006Rudolf Pareti, Nicole Vincent, Surapong Uttama, Jean-Marc Ogier, Jean-Pierre Salmon, Salvatore Tabbone, Laurent Wendling, Sébastien Adam

Document Image Analysis for Libraries, Apr 2006, France. pp.220-231

Ancient graphical documents are invaluable heritages which have been handed down since generations. They possess both intellectual and spiritual worth for humanity. In this context, many digitization processes have been started, producing very large warehouse of images. These huge amount of data raise the problem of indexing the information in order to make easier navigation in the databases. In the context of a French research program, called MADONNE, this paper proposes a set of complementary contributions concerning ancient graphic images indexing.

Rudolf Pareti, Nicole Vincent, Surapong Uttama, Jean-Marc Ogier, Jean-Pierre Salmon, et al.. On defining signatures for the retrieval and the classification of graphical drop caps. Document Image Analysis for Libraries, Apr 2006, France. pp.220-231. ⟨hal-00671268⟩ (lien externe)



Pareti, R., Vincent, N., Uttama, S., Ogier, J.-M., Salmon, J.-P., Tabbone, S., Wendling, L., & Adam, S. (2006). On defining signatures for the retrieval and the classification of graphical drop caps. https://hal.science/hal-00671268v1


Pareti, Rudolf, et al. On Defining Signatures for the Retrieval and the Classification of Graphical Drop Caps. Aug. 2006, https://hal.science/hal-00671268v1.


Pareti, Rudolf, Nicole Vincent, Surapong Uttama, Jean-Marc Ogier, Jean-Pierre Salmon, Salvatore Tabbone, Laurent Wendling, and Sébastien Adam. 2006. “On Defining Signatures for the Retrieval and the Classification of Graphical Drop Caps.” https://hal.science/hal-00671268v1.


Pareti, R. et al. (2006) “On defining signatures for the retrieval and the classification of graphical drop caps.” Available at: https://hal.science/hal-00671268v1.

ISO 690

PARETI, Rudolf, VINCENT, Nicole, UTTAMA, Surapong, OGIER, Jean-Marc, SALMON, Jean-Pierre, TABBONE, Salvatore, WENDLING, Laurent and ADAM, Sébastien, 2006. On defining signatures for the retrieval and the classification of graphical drop caps [en ligne]. August 2006. Disponible à l'adresse : https://hal.science/hal-00671268v1
