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David Reymond, Nathalie Pinède. Using a taxonomy based fingerprint: classification and recognition of the academic webspace. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & Eleventh COLLNET Meeting, 2010, Mysore, India. ⟨sic_01279676⟩ (lien externe)
Reymond, D., & Pinède, N. (2010). Using a taxonomy based fingerprint: classification and recognition of the academic webspace.
Reymond, David, and Nathalie Pinède. Using a Taxonomy Based Fingerprint: Classification and Recognition of the Academic Webspace. Oct. 2010,
Reymond, David, and Nathalie Pinède. 2010. “Using a Taxonomy Based Fingerprint: Classification and Recognition of the Academic Webspace.”
Reymond, D. and Pinède, N. (2010) “Using a taxonomy based fingerprint: classification and recognition of the academic webspace.” Available at:
REYMOND, David and PINÈDE, Nathalie, 2010. Using a taxonomy based fingerprint: classification and recognition of the academic webspace [en ligne]. October 2010. Disponible à l'adresse :