In this article, we compare three projects about mapping digital-, media-and information literacyin France. For this study, we first used the concept of " apparatus " in Foucauldian (1977) and Agambenian sense (2009). After this analysis, we calledon Bachelard(1932) and his distinction between phénoménotechnique and phénoménographie.
Jacques Kerneis, Olivier Le Deuff. Theoretical analysis of threeresearch apparatuses about media and information literacy in France. Key Concepts and Key Issues in Learning, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Aug 2012, Cadix, Spain. ⟨hal-01143562⟩ (lien externe)
Kerneis, J., & Le Deuff, O. (2012). Theoretical analysis of threeresearch apparatuses about media and information literacy in France.
Kerneis, Jacques, and Olivier Le Deuff. Theoretical Analysis of Threeresearch Apparatuses about Media and Information Literacy in France. Aug. 2012,
Kerneis, Jacques, and Olivier Le Deuff. 2012. “Theoretical Analysis of Threeresearch Apparatuses about Media and Information Literacy in France.”
Kerneis, J. and Le Deuff, O. (2012) “Theoretical analysis of threeresearch apparatuses about media and information literacy in France.” Available at:
KERNEIS, Jacques and LE DEUFF, Olivier, 2012. Theoretical analysis of threeresearch apparatuses about media and information literacy in France [en ligne]. August 2012. Disponible à l'adresse :