Charles-Alexandre Delestage. Paths created by an enactive-relativized approach to experience: the case of the viewing experience. Sylvie Leleu-Merviel; Daniel Schmitt; Philippe Useille. From UXD to LivXD. Living eXperience Design, Wiley, 2019, 9781786304155. ⟨hal-04653498⟩ (lien externe)
Delestage, C.-A. (2019). Paths created by an enactive-relativized approach to experience: the case of the viewing experience.
Delestage, Charles-Alexandre. Paths Created by an Enactive-Relativized Approach to Experience: the Case of the Viewing Experience. Jan. 2019,
Delestage, Charles-Alexandre. 2019. “Paths Created by an Enactive-Relativized Approach to Experience: the Case of the Viewing Experience.”
Delestage, C.-A. (2019) “Paths created by an enactive-relativized approach to experience: the case of the viewing experience.” Available at:
DELESTAGE, Charles-Alexandre, 2019. Paths created by an enactive-relativized approach to experience: the case of the viewing experience [en ligne]. January 2019. Disponible à l'adresse :