Marie Ballarini, Charles-Alexandre Delestage. Discrepancy in objectives within the production chain of heritage works in virtual reality. 2023. ⟨hal-04279613⟩ (lien externe)
Ballarini, M., & Delestage, C.-A. (2023). Discrepancy in objectives within the production chain of heritage works in virtual reality.
Ballarini, Marie, and Charles-Alexandre Delestage. Discrepancy in Objectives within the Production Chain of Heritage Works in Virtual Reality. Oct. 2023,
Ballarini, Marie, and Charles-Alexandre Delestage. 2023. “Discrepancy in Objectives within the Production Chain of Heritage Works in Virtual Reality.”
Ballarini, M. and Delestage, C.-A. (2023) “Discrepancy in objectives within the production chain of heritage works in virtual reality.” Available at:
BALLARINI, Marie and DELESTAGE, Charles-Alexandre, 2023. Discrepancy in objectives within the production chain of heritage works in virtual reality [en ligne]. October 2023. Disponible à l'adresse :