Redefining Data Governance: Insights from the French University System

2024Guy Melançon, Nathalie Pinède, Ugo Verdi

26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Apr 2024, Angers, France. pp.733-738, ⟨10.5220/0012699300003690⟩

This position paper highlights the distinctive features of French universities that render data governance within these institutions a particularly challenging endeavor. These universities inherently operate in an exceptionally open milieu, necessitating the conceptualization of governance as a dynamic and adaptable framework that converges seamlessly with the governance structures of other institutions. The principle of collegiality further mandates a distributed approach to data governance, encompassing responsibilities, rules, and procedures across various levels of management. Moreover, it is essential to reevaluate the conventional viewpoint that segregates administrative tasks from research and teaching functions. Our findings underscore the necessity for developing and executing a dynamic, multi-tiered data governance model that integrates the three fundamental missions of universities. Given the intrinsic nature of French universities, it is imperative to envisage governance as an evolving ecosystem of agents who assume complementary responsibilities in a harmonized manner.

Guy Melançon, Nathalie Pinède, Ugo Verdi. Redefining Data Governance: Insights from the French University System. 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Apr 2024, Angers, France. pp.733-738, ⟨10.5220/0012699300003690⟩ (lien externe). ⟨hal-04552530⟩ (lien externe)



Melançon, G., Pinède, N., & Verdi, U. (2024). Redefining Data Governance: Insights from the French University System.


Melançon, Guy, et al. Redefining Data Governance: Insights from the French University System. Apr. 2024,


Melançon, Guy, Nathalie Pinède, and Ugo Verdi. 2024. “Redefining Data Governance: Insights from the French University System.”


Melançon, G., Pinède, N. and Verdi, U. (2024) “Redefining Data Governance: Insights from the French University System.” Available at:

ISO 690

MELANÇON, Guy, PINÈDE, Nathalie and VERDI, Ugo, 2024. Redefining Data Governance: Insights from the French University System [en ligne]. April 2024. Disponible à l'adresse :